Hold the Button
Press and hold the button for a long as you can endure. You might even get on the leaderboard!
All-Time High Scores
- 1 anastasia 1216427 seconds
- 2 anastasia 1209295 seconds
- 3 Nicholas 869637 seconds
- 4 LuisKuaza 853464 seconds
- 5 Erik Glover 687798 seconds
- 6 OVUHS Applied II 604684 seconds
- 7 Anonymous 534037 seconds
- 8 ooglesmurf 411823 seconds
- 9 e 411537 seconds
- 10 Anonymous 389931 seconds
Total time wasted:
3 years, 129 days, 14 hours, 45 minutes, 3 seconds
Today's High Scores
- 1 PressFace Megee 11228 seconds
- 2 googleEarth 525 seconds
- 3 Jesus 494 seconds
- 4 I beat my son 237 seconds
- 5 Anonymous 222 seconds
- 6 www.sites.google.com/boe.jack.k12.wv.us/ltfwebpagek12.wv.us/ltfwebpage 186 seconds
- 7 Dylan 118 seconds
- 8 Anonymous 100 seconds
- 9 Anonymous 46 seconds
- 10 Anonymous 30 seconds
Time wasted today:
3 hours, 42 minutes, 57 seconds
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